I got some spam. The sender was MY email address. Does this mean my computer is one of those zombie computers spewing out spam? How do you know if it is?
Question about zombie computers?network
Changing the senders e-mail address is not hard, and more people will open something sent from what they think is from a family member on the computer.
Question about zombie computers?norton
A zombie program so stupid it dialed itself. hahaha
Yeah, you COULD be infected.
Someone who knows you could be infected and it is randemly replacing the sender email information with another email on their "friends list".
Either way, check you comp with a good virus program.
Well, probably.
if its your email address, it either has become a zombie application, or it has been hacked.
Pull the power cord out. If it's still alive, it's a zombie.
Or a laptop.
Or has a UPS.
Oh darn it, serious answer time. No, it just means the spammer used a particularly dumb computer program to send the spam.
If you're worried about your computer being infected, get a virus checker. There's a free ones called "AVG free" and "Avast", you can search for them.
No it doesn't mean your computer is a zombie. Through SMTP one could fake email addresses.