Sunday, September 20, 2009

IBM and Apple computers?

I heard that in that steve jobs(inventor of apple) hated IBM, and they even made a commercial about IBM as the "big brother." Anyways, my question is if Steve jobs hated IBM, why did he use IBM powerpc chips on his apple computers. Why didn't he use other chips like inter or amd chips on his apple computers?

IBM and Apple computers?antivirus

Perhaps it's because he isn't willing to let his personal feelings affect the prosperity of his company. He may hate IBM, but his stockholders don't really care about his personal feelings, only the prosperity of the company.

IBM and Apple computers?computer

Because business and emotion don't mix together well...
i think at the time IBM was more trusted and more popular.
why does Bill Gates "borrow" software from apple and put it on pc's? Like MP11 and IE7, superior?, or they got the money to sit in court for years on end, and here am I thinking Forrest Gump owned apple lol

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