Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can use of computers during pregnancy be harmful?

My father in law had a cow because I work with computers all day. He said that it can hurt my baby. Now I know that people have their input, but is there any credibility to this? In my opininion you have more chances of radiation risks from a microwave than a computer but should I talk to my doctor about this? I try to take legitimate concerns into consideration but you know when you are pregnant and have a baby everyone seems to have an opinion. What do you think?

Can use of computers during pregnancy be harmful?computer protection

back a few years ago it wasn't very safe to use a computer because of the Mercury in the monitor, i just had this conversation with a family member who works with computers. but now the computers are made differently so it is perfectly OK to use them...i use my lap top all the time and it's always close to my belly...

Can use of computers during pregnancy be harmful?free antivirus download

no. using coputers is safe during pregnancy, i have never herd that before. and i am nearly 6 weeks pregnant myself and i use my computer every day
There are so many pregnant women that work on computers all day long and their kids are just fine. All of my aunts work at a desk using a computer and all of their kids turned out healthy. I use my computer 4-6 hours a day and I am sure my son will be just fine.
I worked on a computer the entire time I was pregnant. The only thing you really need to be careful of is that carpal tunnel is very common. Talk with your doctor about it, they can help you if you start getting tingly hands. Will it hurt your baby, no. There are far worse jobs out there and healthy babies are still born every day. You're fine. However, if you ever do have any questions, call your doctor or see if there's an on-call number you can use for questions. It was a lifesaver for me when I was pregnant (and paranoid).
that's rubbish, thats like telling you, you can't drive while your pregnant cause if you drive you can get in a accident and loose your baby. Or like if you raise your arms above your head that'll cause the umbilical cord to wrap around the neck.
i have never heard that i used my pc all the way through my pregnancy. the internet was a blessing while on complete bed rest my whole pregnancy
I'm with you on this one, i am also pregnant and work at a computer all day, if I believe it could be harm full i would not do it, that is for sure. Like you said everyone seems to have a opinion, some would just be better left unsaid.
PC's are harmless
no u can still u use computers

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