Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hooking up two computers to one dsl line without them sharing files?

I am trying to hook up another computer to an existing DSL line, the computers are two floors away from eachother and im not sure if wireless is the best option. One comp. is personal and private and the other is a shared family comp, if i set up a network can i do it in a way that only shares the DSL line and doesnt share files or programs. any help is much appreciated. Thx.

Hooking up two computers to one dsl line without them sharing files?antivirus protection

The way I've done it is, i've connected both PCs to a ADSL router modem. That router modem is connected to the internet. Now none of the PCs are sharng files or programs. I think you have to set up some network settings for that sharing option. So as long as you don't do that... yur PCs won't be sharing anything.

Hooking up two computers to one dsl line without them sharing files?computer repair

A wireless router should take care of your needs. During the setup, you can specify how much or how little each computer will allow the rest of the network to "see."
Get a linksys WRT54G they are really good and around $54.00
A router is what you need and it sounds like a wireless router is what you will need!

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