Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do computers have a timed automatic shutdown feature?

I am seriously needing to get disciplined with my computer time. Does anyone know if most or any computers have an automatic shutdown feature that activates after a specified time period. (No, setting an egg timer doesn't work for me. I always come up with an excuse to stay on for a "couple more minutes").I have a Dell Dimension 2350 Microsoft Windows XP Pentium 4. I bought it brand new in 2002.

Thanx in advance.

Do computers have a timed automatic shutdown feature?free spyware

There are utilities like PowerOff and ShowStopper (look for them on Google) that you can configure to shut your PC down at predetermined times, but doing so could - and probably would - bring things to a halt in the midst of something you're doing that you don't want to lose. Self-discipline is the real answer. You can't always expect the world to do everything for you.

Do computers have a timed automatic shutdown feature?live update

you can use free download manager software. It has an automatic shutdown feature which can be used to shutdown the comp. Hope it helps :-)

You could make a shutdown file via the shortcut desktop and run it from a scheduled task.


Right click the desktop-%26gt;new-%26gt;shortcut-%26gt;"SHUTDOWN -s -t 300" (no quotes, -t 300 means it will shutdown in 5 minutes; 300 seconds. Set it to whatever value you like)-%26gt;next-%26gt;leave as default-%26gt;next/finish

Scheduled Tasks:

Start-%26gt;programs-%26gt;accessories-%26gt;System Tools-%26gt;Scheduled Tasks-%26gt;Add Scheduled Task-%26gt;Next-%26gt;Browse-%26gt;find the short cut you made on the desktop-%26gt;then mess around with the settings until you find what you like

Edit: Type it in just like this including spaces but without the quotes:

"SHUTDOWN -s -t 300"

Incidentally if you repace the "-s" with "-r" it will reboot the machine.

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