Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can your computers history delete itself?

sometime when i get on the computer after my b/f the computers history has been deleted. he always says it does it itself. and he doesnt know why. is this possible? or is he lying?

Can your computers history delete itself?norton internet security

Yes, if he is using Internet Explorer. You can go to Tools, Internet Options, General tab and check the History section for the number of days pages are kept in history. Also if he runs a cache cleaning tool, he may be deleting them without realizing it.

Can your computers history delete itself?spyware remove

No you must do it, go to start..control panel double clcick internet options and delete files now lok al the way down to the bottom of that window and click delete everything.

Problem solved
Yes it is possible. There is a setting in Firefox to clean all the temporary internet files every time it closes. And in Internet Explorer you can set it not to record history.
Well, you can set your computer to delete all of your history automatically after a day, but if this happens every single time, then I would say that he's deleting HIS history. Of course he knows why it's happening, lol. I'm sure that he doesn't want to lie about the content he's looking at, but he also doesn't want to admit it to you either. From personal experience, believe me when I say that you don't want to see what he's looking at either! If you have importaint websites that you access from the history, then you could just bookmark them, so that it doesn't matter if the history gets deleted. Until then, try not to give him a hard time about this, because it will make him NOT want to be open with you about anything at all. Try to be understanding that guys are guys, and they WILL look at things online that turn them on. Porn is a tool for men, rather than something that is a necessity for them. Sometimes their imagination just doesn't cut it for them. One thing you've GOT to remember is that it doesn't replace you. NO MAN WITH A PULSE would choose pictures over the real thing. It took me a long time to realize that, but once I did, it made mine and my husband's relationship just THAT MUCH better. I hope that I could help...
it depends what history exactly you're referring to but NO!!! Even when you deliberately format (which is erase!!) every thing on your hard drive on purpose, there would be absolutely no way for you to sign on, you wouldn't have a single thing on your computer. Except it's really not even totally erased for those who have the desire (or need, like in law enforcement or someone who's far too snoopy with too much time looking for something that's none of their business anyway!) there is still something on that hard drive!

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