i'm looking for a computer mainly for WoW and some other games but i have a 0-450 dollar budget....tell me if you know any computers i can really afford thanx =)
Any good computers that can play WoW?cafe racer
WoW isn't too demanding on computers (that's one of the amazing things about the game is that it looks so good without a ton of requirements).
1. Make sure you have at least 1 gig of memory - you can play with 512 meg, but you will lag heavily - and 2 gig is even better.
2. 10 gb of free space on your hard drive.
3. At least 32 MB graphics card - although 64 MB is better.
Here are some sample computers - eMachines T3642 Desktop - this one with a 17" monitor is available through Best Buy.com at $449 (although you can probably find similar ones if you go visit a Best Buys store) and some even cheaper:
Dell has a great basic computer - Inspiron 531s - It has 1 gig of memory, and is $349 without a monitor.
Circuit City has an Acer Aspire Comp on sale for $369 - it meets all the requirements. Several other comps under $500, and all could handle WoW
Those are three good sites to visit, but also just go visit Best Buy or Circuit City, or any comp store and find one with at least a gig of memory, and you'll do fine
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