Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If your good with computers click here!!?

I want to learn more about computer ike u know how some people myspace's r awesome? well its cause there good with computers and they know how to do stuff anything u know about computers if you've got codes or sumthing anything share it with me thanx!!

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You can search through a search engine like google for ideas on Myspace accounts. Ask your friends or if you like go to a youtube page (www,youtube.com) and look for videos that can help you with a design. Or you could just fiddle around and learn steps by yourself.

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take it to a pro
You should use Google to search for information you want. However, with things like myspace a lot of it is down to whether you can tell what looks good and what people would like. Check out different websites to get some ideas of good and bad design.
you can search any thing on www.google.com
go to youtube and search what you need to know

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