Thursday, October 1, 2009

User Accounts NOT set up on Domain Computers?? - Offsite use the same?

Our company has moved ten employees and their computers to an off-site location. They are connecting to the server via a VPN.

All has been working fine until a few problems (one employee's password changed, disabling a connection) (another lost access to the indv files, can see the folders but not the files).

I just discovered these computers are not set up with the employee as an account user. This seems to be causing the problem, but I cannot be sure. I have set them up as an account user on their respective computer, and they are good to go again.

My question is this --- Is there a reason that employees are not set up as Account Users on their office computers? Am I making a mistakes by doing this?

I am the new IT person, but only by default! lol

Please advise if I am making a big mistake. I do not know about the cache thing either! HELP! Please add details!


User Accounts NOT set up on Domain Computers?? - Offsite use the same?husqvarna

By default, the "Domain Users" Active Directory group should be a member of the "Users" group on the local machine. Generally-speaking, the users do not have their individual accounts configured as users on the local machine, since they get those permissions by virtue of being a member of Domain Users.

So, my questions would be:

1. At initial logon, are the users able to authenticate to the domain (where the domain name shows in the "Logon to" dropdown)?

2. Is the VPN done using a piece of hardware that establishes a VPN tunnel for the entire office, or is each workstation establishing an individual VPN connection?

3. Are the users able to access any domain resources like network file shares at the main office?

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