my brother is addicted to computers I think he plays it for at least 2-3 hours every day and stays up until 6.30 in the morning on the weekends to play it. And even when he goes on the internet he is just looking up new games for the xbox?
Is he addicted to computers?agv
Sounds like he's also addicted to X-box, make sure you try to convince him that what he's doing isn't healthy and that he should join playing on sports teams for the reason that they could take him a lot farther then playing games for the rest of his life.
Is he addicted to computers?antivirus software
its his life let him ruin it
he seems very addicted
yes he is hooked no question bout it
yep him %26 every other teenager these days it seems. Try to get him outdoors or sign him up for hockey or lacrosse or something to get him physically active
I was like that when i was akid cause i had no friends so all i did was sit at the compter for 3 or more hours and play games and chat
My brother is addicted also. The games are built that way. I don't think that is an addiction to the "computer" though. Most often it is also their socializing tool. If he plays online with other gamers you will find that that has become his social circle and in order to be with his "friends" he must be logged onto his game. How much time do you spend with your friends, on the phone and in person? Compare this to the time your brother is online with his friends. My brother doesn't have friends in our town, but he socializes with residents of Australia, Germany, Canada and many others. He has received proposals of marriage over his games. They are a very tight group and the upside is they don't meddle in your day to day affairs. "Friends with benefits" for unsociable types so to speak!!
2-3 hours is nothing at least he aint out getting in trouble!!
kids cant win these days!
oh yeah, sports teams are real helpful (sarcasm)
Maybe someday he'll be a computer game designer, or just a computer programmer. I don't think that thats a problem. It's better than spending that time watching TV.
There's nothing wrong spending time doing what you like. Addiction only happens when a habit causes problems. Is he failing school because of it?
Losing all of his money, etc?
2-3 hours is nothing, most kids are on theirs for 5 or 6.
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